He watched fascinated. At first, he thought perhaps the claw could fly, but then he saw it was attached to a huge chain and that this was lifting it up into the blood-red sky. He followed it upwards until to a halt. He realized that an intricate set of cables crisscrossed the sky, and that from them dangled metal claws like the one that had almost claimed him. All across the field of the dead, he saw the scoops plunge downward, claim a cargo, and then rise.
Of course. He remembered the corpse-quakes. The sounds. This had been their source.
The dead were being collected and conveyed . . . where? He watched as the claw above him now wheeled about on its cable and rolled off toward the distant wall.
Without knowing quite why, he walked in the same direction, making his way across the uneven mounds. It wasn’t easy going. He kept one eye on the sky, to avoid falling claws, and another on the ground. Every other step, a rotting chest might gave way beneath him, or a skull might crush at his step.